Thursday, November 6, 2008

Church Garage Sale Gold

I got this book for like a quarter a couple years ago. Turns out it's great and has been a really good resource for this class.

"The Spreading Flame" by F.F. Bruce.

It's the history of the Church from A.D. 1 to 800. It gives a historical narrative to Acts and provides a framework as to what's going on outside the church at the time. It's out of print, but they've got a few copies on for cheap. You guys should buy em out.

Sidenote: Does anyone else really want a 3x5 ft colored map of the Mediterranean? Seriously, these study bibles need fold out maps or something.

1 comment:

Shawn said...

Bruce is solid.

I would love a map like that. Where do we get one? I was totally thinking about that weeks ago. Framed for the living room? May have to pass that with the wife.